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One Page, One Theme

One Page, One Theme - Philatelic Bouquet of Creative Presentations In this book or compilation, Stamps and sometimes FDCs or other philatelic material is arranged theme wise with limit of 'One Page' or exceptionally extension of the same Theme in 'One Page' format only.

As the 'Theme' is the common binding and highlighting factor, this exhibit of 'One Page' will enable one to build his Stamp collection Theme wise. More than 150 Themes are presented here. Collectors can build many more Themes likewise.

Size/Type of the book : A4 sized & soft bound
Pages : 78
Printed : four colors on art paper
Price : Rs. 475 + Rs. 75 (Shipping & Postage charges in India) / $ 15 + postage


Collector's Guide to British India Bazar Postcards - Edwardian & Georgian period

This is a reference guide of British India Bazar Post Cards of Edwardian & Georgian period. Bazar Postcards of British India is a fascinating section of Indian Postal stationery which has colors, creativity and charisma. In this book of 240 fully colored pages, an effort is made to present more than 1700 Bazar Postcards with value along with pictures in different varieties of British Royalty, Indian Princely State Rulers, Ravi Varma paintings-oleographs and Other Themes with further classification of color, creativity, calligraphy and design. They certainly show that the touch of creative imagination of dealers of those days was able to create fascination and attraction in general public for these ornamental and artistic Bazar Postcards.

Size/Type of the book : 6" x 8½" & soft bound
Pages : 240
Printed : four colors on art paper
Price : Rs. 1350 + postage / $ 65 + postage


Collector's Guide to Indian Canteen Tokens

This is a reference guide of canteen tokens issued in India since 1939. These metallic tokens were issued by various Government and Non-Government establishments like mills, mints, military, railways, banks, clubs, hotels, companies, factories, co-operatives, etc. for use in their own premises only. Here, as many as 295 canteen tokens including color illustrations of more than 260 tokens have been catalogued with details like the issuer, location, metal, weight, size, shape, value, descriptions of obverse and reverse, etc.

Size/Type of the book : 6" x 8½" & soft bound
Pages : 88
Printed : four colors on art paper
Price : Rs. 190 + postage / $ 13 + postage


Collector's Guide to Membership Badges of Turf & Race Clubs of India

This reference guide presents colorful and enameled Membership Badges issued by the major Indian Turf & Race Clubs viz. Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Bangalore and Hyderabad and Turf Authorities of India. It also gives a historical background of racing in India and a brief history of all above referred major Turf / Race Clubs of India. In all, as many as 260 badges have been catalogued with details like the year, status of the member, metal, size, shape and descriptions of obverse and reverse.

Size/Type of the book : 6" x 8½" & soft bound
Pages : 112
Printed : four colors on art paper
Price : Rs. 350 + postage / $ 18 + postage


Collector's Guide to Chronologies of Sultans, Rulers & Colonial Heads of India

This is the book which gives chronologies of Sultans, Rulers, Kings, Emperors and Colonial Heads of India. It is a reference guide to chronologies of Bengal, Bijapur, Bahamani, Gujarat, Malwa and other Sultans, Mughal Rulers, Indian Princely State Kings, British Emperors and Colonial Heads of Danish, Portuguese and other colonies. The book will save Collector's valuable time in placing the numismatic item in its right historical slot.

Size/Type of the book : 7¼" x 9½" & soft bound
Pages : 72
Printed : on art paper
Price : Rs. 125 + postage / $ 10 + postage
N. B. Not available


CHAPRAS - Collector's Guide to Belt Buckles, Badges & Badge Plates of India

This is a book that gives wonderful thematic dimension to the hobby of collecting CHAPRAS - Badges, Badge Plates & Belt Buckles of India. As these Chapras Badges depict and describe date and authority, they give specific identity to the office bearer. They are full of variety and meticulously made from bronze and silver. Chapras Badges of British India, Indian Princely States and other Government and Semi-Government organizations are collectibles as they have all the charisma to attract and give the pleasure to the Collector. In this book more than 630 badges, badge plates and belt buckles with their photos are catalogued.

Size of the book : 7¼" x 9½"
Pages : 212
Printed : on art paper with some colored pages
Price : Rs. 600 + postage / $ 30 + postage


Glimpses of Indian Autographs

The book gives glimpses of the autographs of eminent Indian personalities of various fields. It contains around 600 autographs in 8 major groups which are further divided in 42 different categories. In each category about 13 autographs, along with the photographs of the celebrities are presented. The effort in the book is made to project glimpses of different themes under which autograph collection can be made.

Size/Type of the book : 11" x 8½" & hard bound
Pages : 280 fully colored pages
Printed : four colors on art paper
Price : Rs. 1,500 + postage / $ 50 + postage


Collector's Guide to First Day Covers & Folders of India 1947-1964 Official & Private

The book catalogues Official & Private First Day Covers & Folders of India from 1947 to 1964 (Anna value to NP value). This early period is highly fascinating with varieties in sizes, colors, etc. The book illustrates more than 400 FDCs, Folders, etc. with colored pictures.

Size of the book : 11" x 8½"
Pages : 116 fully colored pages
Printed : four colors on art paper
Price : Rs. 450 + postage / $ 25 + postage


Collector's Guide to First Day Covers & Folders of India with Set of Stamps, Se-tenant Stamps & Miniature Sheets

This catalogue is a showcase which gives glimpses of FDCs of set of Stamps, Se-tenant Stamps and Miniature Sheets which form the total of about 450 having equal number of Folders. Thus this theme has a small gamut and it can be managed easily. Here, an effort is made to maximize the number of colored examples to give a creative and colorful dimension to this fascinating philatelic theme. In this catalogue valuation of various FDCs and folders is given to give a basic guideline to the Collector.

Size of the book : 11" x 8½"
Pages : 200 fully colored pages
Printed : four colors on art paper
Price : Rs. 950 + postage / $ 40 + postage


Mandir (Gujarati Language)

This is a book in Indian Temple. Every Indian Hindu goes to temple for Darshan. He sees God's idol and many other objects there. Many a time, many questions arise in our mind like – What is the reason for bell? Why do we do Pradakshina? Why there is Tortoise or Ox (Nandi) in the temple?

In this book, an effort is made to give answers to such 20 questions pertaining to MANDIR.

Size of the book : 7¼" x 8½"
Pages : 80
Price : Rs. 50 + postage / $ 5 + postage


Dev Darshan (Gujarati Language)

In Hindu Religion, we worship different Gods. There are different idols of different Gods. Each idol is a 'key', which can open the doors of understanding. We can uplift ourselves if we are properly tuned with these idols. These idols are not mere statues. They are symbols. They can become 'bridge' between human energy and cosmic energy if they are understood in their right perspective.

In this book, idols of Ganesh, Vishnu, Shanker, Hanuman, Ram, Krishna, Saraswati, Laxmi, Amba, etc. are explained in a rational way.

Size of the book : 5½" x 8½"
Pages : 194
Price : Rs. 90 + postage / $ 5 + postage


Utsav Darshan (Gujarati Language)

Our Indian festivals are our cultural heritage. Every festival has a fragrance of its own. This fragrance makes the festival meaningful and lively. Here, in this book, an effort has been made to explain, rational and sentimental values attached to some of the important festivals. The festivals come on a particular numbered day (tithi). The numerology of this number in association with the festival is also explained in some of the festivals.

It is a book that attempts to give rational explanations to understand the Indian festivals in all its cultural aspects.

Size of the book : 7¼" x 9½"
Pages : 280
Price : Rs. 150 + postage / $ 10 + postage


Vichar Darshan (Gujarati Language)

This Vichar Darshan book is a collection of pithy expressions of thoughts. The beautiful and meaningful thoughts are put in a 'capsule' form. Such capsules are collected and put in this book. The thoughts and expressions are mainly pertaining to philosophy of life and Indian culture. These expressions will be useful for effective speech and explaining one's own viewpoint.

Size of the book : 7¼" x 9½"
Pages : 120
Price : Rs. 75 + postage / $ 5 + postage


Subhashit Ratna Sagar (Gujarati Language)

This book is the collection of Sanskrit Subhashits i.e. good sayings of truth and wisdom. They are translated in Gujarati too. These sayings give us the guidance in all walks of life and to all sorts of people. However, in this book, these sayings are classified human quality wise like character, compassion, penance, etc. There are some definitions of Doctor, Advocate, Teacher, etc. given in this book.

At the end, good collection of Hindi couplets (Dohas) is given. Consolations given by Lord Krishna (Geeta) are also shown. The other attractions are best four sholkas of 'Shakuntal', best four questions asked by Yaksha to Yudhisthir and complete Shuka-Ramba dialogue arguing about enjoyment and upliftment of life.

Size of the book : 5½" x 8½"
Pages : 408
N. B. Not available


Subhashit Sukti Sagar (Gujarati Language)

This book is also the collection of Sanskrit Subhashits i.e. good sayings of truth and wisdom. They are translated in Gujarati too. These sayings do give us the guidance in all walks of life and to all sorts of people.

Unlike Subhashit Ratna Sagar, in this book, these sayings are classified subject wise like life, time, good person, friend, education, wise person, knowledge, etc.

At the end, Sanskrit proverbs called 'Nyay' are explained. In 'Vidvad Gosthi', some good stories, which give moral by using Subhashits, are given. There are some stories of Bhoj and Kalidas too. Some good collection of Hindi and Gujarati couplets (Dohas) is also given.

Size of the book : 5½" x 8½"
Pages : 360
N. B. Not available


All these books, which are availabe, can be obtained from Shri Praful Thakkar, Ahmedabad-380015, Gujarat, India. You may approach him on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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