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Useful Links

1. Indian Thematic

URL : http://www.indianthematics.blogspot.in/
A new blog created by noted Thematic Philatelist Mr. Dinesh Chandra Sharma. This blog is all about Thematic Gallery.

2. Philatelic Journalists Forum

URL : http://philatelicjournalistsforum.blogspot.in/
"The Philatelic Journalists" is an initiative by a few enthusiast philatelists, who love the hobby to the deepest.

3. Indian Philatelists' Forum

URL : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/indianphilatelists/
This is an electronic discussion forum dedicated exclusively to Indian Philately that allows members to engage into meaningful discussions on all aspects of Indian Philately. Membership to the forum is open to all philatelists who have interest in Indian Philately. Members can share and discuss their ideas, knowledge, research, collections, events, exhibitions, auctions, publications exclusively related to Indian Philately.

4. The best stamps

URL : http://thebeststamps.blogspot.co.uk/
It’s a beautiful blog created by Julian Fernandes of Pune ( Now living in UK) featuring lovely stamps of birds with the photos of the same birds giving a wonderful look !!

5. Numismatic & Philatelic Association

URL : http://numismaticphilavellore.site40.net/index.htm
This Numismatic & Philatelic Association is a nonprofit and non-trade motive association that aims to promote the hobbies – Philately (Stamp Collection) and Numismatics (Coin Collection) among children, students, interested individuals among the general public and especially for the budding philatelists and numismatists.

6. How to Collect Stamps

URL : http://www.howtocollectstamps.com/
The Complete Guide To Stamp Collecting

7. GANDHI Stamps & Philately Study Circle

URL : http://gandhistampsclub.blogspot.in/
A new Blog by Ketan Patel...Saving Gandhi Philately by trying to bring awareness and exposing illegal activities in Gandhi Stamps and Philately

8. Phila Mirror

URL : http://philamirror.info/
The Indian Philately Journal.

9. Se-tenant Stamps of India

URL : http://setenantsofindia.blogspot.com/
A Blog by Shrikant Parikh, Ahmedabad. It is a specialized Blog on se-tenant stamps.

10. Flags & Stamps

URL : http://flagstamps.blogspot.com/
It is a specialized blog on Flag Theme created by Sekhar Chakrabarti. This blog is all about "Flags of the World" on Stamps & other Philatelic items, as well as, on "Indian Flag" and its History.

11. Indian Stamp Ghar

URL : http://www.indianstampghar.com/
It is a site exclusively created by Vinod Sabharwal, New Delhi for philatelic enthusiasts who want to share information and views on philatelic issues.

12. Rainbow Stamp Club

URL : http://rainbowstampclub.blogspot.in/
It is a specialized blog created by Ms Jeevan Jyoti, Shimla. It is for all stamp lovers and objective of this Club is to create philatelic fraternity around the world.

13. Stamps of India

URL : http://www.stampsofindia.com/
This the site created by Madhukar & Savita Jhingan, New Delhi. It is the hub site for philately and postal services in India.

14. Government of India Site

URL : http://www.indiapost.gov.in/
This is the official site of Government of India which gives information about all postal services.

15. Indian Thematic Society

URL : http://indianthematicstamps.webs.com/
This is the site of Indian Thematic Society. It is India's only society for topical collectors. The society is issuing quarterly Stamp News Magazine, Mr Suraj Jaitly is the General Secretary of the Society and Editor of the News Magazine.

16. Mobile Philately

URL : http://mobilephilately.blogspot.in/
Mobile Philately is a mobile technology based philatelic community with short messaging service (SMS) that allows the community members to get latest updates related to Indian philately directly into mobile message box. Mr Deepak Modi is monitoring and maintaining the service.

17. World of Indian Philately

URL : http://www.indianphilately.net/
This site is a Gateway to Indian Philately and is launched by Prashant Pandya, Vadodara. The site has made an attempt to provide Directories of Philatelists, Philatelic Dealers, Philatelic Organizations, Philatelic Bureaus etc.

18. India Study Circle

URL : http://www.indiastudycircle.org/
This is the website for anyone interested in Indian Stamps, Postal Stationery, Indian States Stamps, Revenue Stamps and all areas of Indian Philately.

19. Phila India

URL : http://www.philaindia.info/
Site to explore the world through Philately.

20. Permanent Pictorial Cancellations

URL : http://www.indianpostmarks.blogspot.in/
This blog is dedicated to Permanent Pictorial Cancellations available at Indian Post Offices.

21. South India Philatelists' Association

URL : http://www.sipa.org.in/
This is the official website of South India Philatelists' Association.

22. Site presenting Stamps of India

URL : http://stampsathi.in/
This is the website of Chintan Parikh & Ronit Parikh, Tamilnadu. They have tried to provide complete details of all the postage stamps of Republic India, in user friendly manner.

23. Olympic Games

URL : http://olympicgamesphilately.blogspot.com
This is the blog by Jagannath Mani from Karnataka regarding Olympic Games.

24. Philatelic service promoting site

URL : http://stamp-paradise.com/
Stamp Paradise is a new and real philatelic service promoting postage stamp collecting sites in sections like: stamp collectors by language, philatelic collectors by continent, stamp dealers and stamp experts. Stamp Paradise is a NON COMMERCIAL philatelic site.

25. A weblog for all stamp lovers of India and the World

URL : http://mbstamps.blogspot.in/
It is the blog by Mansoor Bolar, Karnataka who is a collector of Ships & Boats on MS, Covers etc.

26. Philatelic blog for Lighthouse Postal Material of India and World

URL : http://ksbeacon.blogspot.in/
This is the blog on Lighthouse created by K Sridhar from Mangalore, Karnataka.

27. Philatelic blog for Se-tenants with Combinations / Errors in Indian Stamps / Designer FDCs of India

URL : http://setenantswithcombinations.blogspot.in/

URL : http://errorsinindianstamps.blogspot.in/

URL : http://designerfdcofindia.blogspot.in/
This is a very good Blog of Shri Dharminder Kapoor showing various Se-tenants with combinations, Philatelic Errors, FDCs specially made from different cut outs from MS and Folders.

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