Home Stamps Stamps with Marginal Inscriptions
Stamps with Marginal Inscriptions
Stamps with Marginal Inscriptions

Printing on sheet margins of stamps started with various decorative flowery designs and supplemented with gutter margins, plate numbers, color codes etc started from early days of Litho, Typographic and East India issues. In 1854 issues and in some East India issues total value of the sheets were also shown. Sheet control marks and plate numbers in East India issues in colored circles with numerals in intaglio are quite fascinating.

These instructional  markings  were for  machine operators (for color registration), perforating personnel, sheet cutters, packers, Post Office staff and officials. Gradually the ornamentation phased out but the principal of Marginal Markings was further enriched with Marginal Inscriptions relating to philately services, philately exhibitions etc.

We do find Marginal Inscriptions & Marginal Markings on Commemorative and Definitive Stamps.

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