Home Cancellations Permanent Pic. Cancellations Andhra Pradesh Buddha Stupa, Amaravati - Design-1
Buddha Stupa, Amaravati - Design-1
Buddha Stupa, Amaravati - Design-1

Product Details
Product Name
Buddha Stupa, Amaravati - Design-1
Issue Date
28 February 1976

The Great Stupa at Amaravati was a large Buddhist monument built in south-eastern India between the second century B.C. and the third century A.D. It was a centre for religious activity and worship for hundreds of years.
The Stupa was part of a complex of religious buildings built and paid for by local people. Over time, the Stupa was added to and changed many times.


Cancellation Date - 28-2-1976

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Buddha Stupa, Amaravati - Design-1

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