Holy eigheen steps leading to the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Ayyappa Temple - Design-1
Product Details
Product Name
Holy eigheen steps leading to the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Ayyappa Temple - Design-1
Issue Date
16 November 1974
Sabarimala is a Hindu pilgrimage center located in the Western Ghat mountain ranges of Pathanamthitta District. It is the largest annual pilgrimage in the world with an estimated 45–50 million devotees visiting every year. Sabarimala is linked to Hindu pilgrimage, predominantly for men of all ages. The temple is open for worship only during the days of Mandalapooja (approximately November 15 to December 26), Makaravilakku (January 14- "Makara Sankranti") and Vishu (April 14), and the first six days of each Malayalam month. The Holy eighteen steps that lead to the Ayyappa temple have been figuratively called Ponnu Pathinettampadi. Pathinettapadi (18 divine steps) to the sanctum sanctorium is divine in all aspects. The first three steps depict "Bhoomi, Agni, Vayoo & Akash", 6 to 9 steps for Karmendriya, 10 to 15 for Jhanandriya, 16th for mind 17th Intelligence and 18th Jeevathma Bhava. Those who cross all these steps are believed to achieve "Punyadarshan". The cancellation depicts holy eighteen steps leading to the Sanctum Sanctorum of the temple. (Note: It appears that old cancellation has been replaced with new cancellation with new design)
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