Varahagiri Venkata Giri
Varahagiri Venkata Giri

Product Details
Product Name
Varahagiri Venkata Giri
Issue Date
24 August 1974

Varahagiri Venkata Giri commonly known as V. V. Giri, was the fourth President of the Republic of India from 24 August 1969 to 23 August 1974. He served as Acting President of India from 3 May 1969 to 20 July 1969, before getting elected. He served successfully as governor of Uttar Pradesh (1956–1960), Kerala (1960–1965) and Mysore (1965–1967). He was elected as the third Vice President of India in 1967. Giri became Acting President of India in May 1969 upon the death in office of President Zakir Hussain. The official Congress candidate for the presidential election of 1969 was Neelam Sanjiva Reddy. However, Giri filed his papers as an independent candidate and enjoyed the tacit support of the Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi. A third candidate in that election was C D Deshmukh who was supported by right wing opposition parties. In a closely contested election, none of the candidates won an outright majority of the preferential votes. On counting the second preferential votes, Giri emerged the winner.[4] He was sworn in on 28 August 1969 and held office till 28 August, 1974.[5] As President of India Giri led 14 state visits to countries in South and South East Asia, the Soviet bloc and Africa.

He received India's highest civilian decoration, the Bharat Ratna, in 1975.

He was a prolific writer and a good orator. He has written books on 'Industrial Relations' and 'Labour problems in Indian Industry'.


Born : 10-8-1894    Died : 23-6-1980

Birth Place : Berhampur, Madras    Death Place : Madras

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