Whiter Tiger, Rewa
Whiter Tiger, Rewa

Product Details
Product Name
Whiter Tiger, Rewa
Issue Date
28 March 1973

The white tiger is a pigmentation variant of the Bengal tiger, which is reported in the wild from time to time in States of India like Assam, Bengal, Bihar and especially in the former State of Rewa.
The White Bengal tigers are distinctive for their color fur. According to the website, “Animal Corner,” the correct term to name the white tiger is Chinchilla albinistic.[2] The white fur is due to the lack of pheomelanin pigment, which is found in Bengal tigers with orange color fur. When compared to Bengal Tigers, the White Bengal tigers tend to grow faster and heavier than the orange Bengal tiger. They also tend to be somewhat bigger at birth, and as fully grown adults.[2] White Bengal tigers are fully grown when they are 2–3 years of age. White male tigers reach weights of 200 to 230 kilograms and up to 3 meters in length. Similar to zebras, the white Bengal tiger’s stripes are like fingerprints, no two tigers have the same. Also, the stripes of the tiger are a pigmentation of the skin.[2] In order for a white Bengal tiger to be born, both parents must carry the unusual gene for white colouring, which, according to the website, “Animal Corner,” this genetic trait only happens naturally about once in 10,000 births.

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