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Gandhi with Spinning Wheel (Charkha)
Gandhi with Spinning Wheel (Charkha)

Product Details
Product Name
Gandhi with Spinning Wheel (Charkha)
Issue Date
02 October 2012

The charkha was both a tool and a symbol of the Indian independence movement. The charkha, a small, portable, hand-cranked wheel, is ideal for spinning cotton and other fine, short-staple fibres, though it can be used to spin other fibers as well. The size varies, from that of a hardbound novel to the size of a briefcase, to a floor charkha. Mahatma Gandhi brought the charkha into wider use with his teachings. He hoped the charkha would assist the people of India achieve self-sufficiency and independence, and therefore used the charkha as a symbol of the Indian independence movement and included it on earlier versions of the Flag of India.

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Gandhi with Spinning Wheel (Charkha)

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