Deccan Horse Monogram
Deccan Horse Monogram

Product Details
Product Name
Deccan Horse Monogram
Issue Date
09 January 1984

The Deccan Horse, also called 9 Horse, was raised in 1790, making it the Indian Cavalry’s fourth senior most regiment. It was known as Asaf Jah’s Irregular Cavalry, in honor of the Nizam-ul-Mulk of Hyderabad. At 10,000 men it was probably the largest cavalry “regiment” the world has ever seen, and it operated to bring order to the lawless regions of the Deccan.

The history of the Regiment prior to 1947 is well charted, and we will eventually include it here. For now, here is a brief summary of its actions as part of the independent Indian Army.

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Deccan Horse Monogram

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