Rani Avantibai
Rani Avantibai

Product Details
Product Name
Rani Avantibai
Issue Date
19 September 2001

Rani Avantibai (or Avanit Bai Lodhi) (died March 20, 1858) was a brave and was the wife of Vikramaditya Singh, the ruler of the Indian state of Ramgarh. She was a Lodhi-tribe warrior-queen in the area now known as Madhya Pradesh.[1] When he died, leaving his wife with no heir, the British placed Ramgarh under their administration. Avantibai vowed to fight the British to regain her land and her throne. She raised an army of four thousand and personally led it against the British in 1857. When, after a few months' struggle, she saw that her defeat was imminent, she killed herself with her own sword.

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