Dr. Constantine Hering
Dr. Constantine Hering

Product Details
Product Name
Dr. Constantine Hering
Issue Date
29 December 1989

Constantine J. Hering (January 1, 1800 – July 23, 1880) was an early pioneer of homeopathy in the United States.
Hering was born in Oschatz, and studied medicine at the University of Leipzig where his interest in homeopathy began. He had been engaged to write a book confuting homeopathy, but upon reading Samuel Hahnemann's works and investigating homeopathy's clinical claims for himself he became convinced of its efficacy, sought out the author, and became his personal friend. They began corresponding in 1824. Later, Hering was treated for a dissecting wound with the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum album (white arsenic or arsenic trioxide) and the finger was saved, further provoking his interest.

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