ePost Service
ePost Service

Product Details
Product Name
ePost Service
Issue Date
09 November 2009

The internet revolution has allowed rapid exchange of communication through email. However, the internet has not reached most of the rural India and other remote areas. To bridge this digital divide, and to bring the benefit of the revolutionary internettechnology to people living in these areas, Department of Posts has introduced epost. The epost was initially launched in 5 States on experimental basis. In the wake of the experience gained, a tie up has been established with National Informatics Centre (NIC) who have developed the software, and the service is being launched on national basis. epost is a service under which printed or even handwritten messages of customers are scanned and transmitted as email through internet. At the destination offices, these messages are printed, enveloped and delivered through postmen like other letters at the postal addresses. For this purpose, epost centres have been set up in the Post Offices, covering all the districts and major towns. These epost centres are equipped with internet connection, computers, printers and other necessary equipment. However, epost service is not limited to the epost centres. It can be availed of from any Post Office. Irrespective of whether a customer is in a metropolis or in a remote village, he can send and receive epost messages.

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