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259th Birth Anniversary of Father of Homoeopathy - Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
259th Birth Anniversary of Father of Homoeopathy - Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

Product Details
Product Name
259th Birth Anniversary of Father of Homoeopathy - Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
Issue Date
10 April 2014

Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (10 April 1755 – 2 July 1843) was a German physician, best known for creating a system of alternative medicine called homeopathy.

In 1781, Hahnemann took a village doctor's position in the copper-mining area of Mansfeld, Saxony. He soon married Johanna Henriette Kuchler and would eventually have eleven children.[4] After abandoning medical practice, and while working as a translator of scientific and medical textbooks, Hahnemann travelled around Saxony for many years, staying in many different towns and villages for varying lengths of time, never living far from the River Elbe and settling at different times in Dresden, Torgau, Leipzig and Köthen (Anhalt) before finally moving to Paris in June 1835.

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259th Birth Anniversary of Father of Homoeopathy - Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

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