Rabindranath Tagore - Series Nine - Design-4
Product Details
Product Name
Rabindranath Tagore - Series Nine - Design-4
Issue Date
01 January 2018
May 6, 1941, two days before his birthday that was celebrated with much fanfare. For the last 76 years now, Tagore has been invoked on his birthday, 'Ponchishe Boishakh (25th of the month of Baisakh)', with 'He Nutan, Dekha Dik Arbar...' a song especially written for the occasion, by the man himself.
It was the first week of May 1941. Shantiniketan was preparing to celebrate its founder's 80th Birthday on May 8. His health had begun failing since the previous year. Two days before the mega event, former disciple Shantideb Ghosh came to meet him. Tagore sought to known from him what the plan was for the big day. "I understood he wished that the day be celebrated through music and dance.' Ghosh later wrote in his book 'Rabindrasangeet'.
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