
Product Details
Product Name
Issue Date
01 January 2016

Chapati is an unleavened flatbread (also known as roti) from India. Versions of the dish are also found in Central Asia and other countries. The word 'Chapati' means "flattened round" in Indian languages. Chapatis are made from a firm dough made from whole wheat Hour. Small portions of die dough are rolled out into discs using a rolling pin. The rolled-out dough is thrown on a preheated dry tava (Griddle or skillet) and cooked on both sides. In some regions they are only partly cooked on the skillet, and then put directly on a high flame, which makes them blowup like a balloon. The hot air cooks the chapati rapidly from the inside, in some parts of northern India, this is called a phulka (that which has been inflated).

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