
Product Details
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Issue Date
01 January 2016

A Sikh is a follower of Sikhism, a monotheistic religion which originated (luring the 15th century in (he Punjab region of India. The term 'Sikh' has its origin in the Sanskrit words 'sisya' (disciple, student) or ’siksha' (instruction). Because Sikhism has seldom sought converts, most Sikhs share strong ethno-religious ties. Many countries, such as the United Kingdom, therefore recognize Sikh as a designated ethnicity on their censuses.

Male Sikhs usually have “Singh" (Lion), and female Sikhs have "Kaur” (princess) as their middle or last name. 'Sikhs who have undergone the Sikh initiation ceremony may also be recognised by the five Ks: uncut hair (Kesh) which is kept covered, usually by a turban; an iron or steel bracelet (kara); a sword tucked into a gatra strap (kirpan); a cotton undergarment (kachehra), and a small wooden comb (kanga). Initiated male Sikhs must cover their hair with a turban. The greater Punjab region is the historic homeland of the Sikhs, although significant communities exist around the world.

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