
Product Details
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Issue Date
01 January 2016

In India, the turban is referred to as a pagri, meaning the headgear that is worn by men and is manually tied. There are several styles, which are specific to the wearer's region or religion, and they vary in shape, size and colour. For example, the Mysore Peta, the Marathi pheta, Puneri Pagadi and the Sikh Dastar. The pagri is a symbol of honour and respect wherever it is worn. It is a common practice to honour important guests by offering them one to wear. Colours are often chosen to suit the occasion or circumstance: for example saffron, associated with valour or sacrifice (martyrdom), is worn during rallies; white, associated with peace, is worn by elders; and pink, associated with spring, is worn during that season or for marriage ceremonies. Traditionally, the royal elite of India, especially in Northern India, used to wear a long pagri which was also a symbol of nobility, honour and respect.

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