
Product Details
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Issue Date
01 January 2016

Rasagulla is a syrupy dessert popular in the Indian subcontinent, especially in Odisha and West Bengal. The dish originated in Puri, Odisha in 12th century as a custom of Lord Jagannath offering "Khiramohana" to consort Lakshmi to calm her down on the day ot "Niladri Bije" during Ratha Yatra (Chariot Festival). A whitish spongy variant called "Bengali Rasagulla" became popular in Bengal in the middle of 19th century. The traditional rasagullas of Odisha are softer and creamish in colour. Rasagulla is made from ball-shaped dumplings of chhena (Indian cottage cheese), cooked in a light syrup made of sugar. This is done until the syrup permeates the dumplings.
Today, canned rasgullas are available throughout India. Pakistan and Bangladesh, as well as in South Asian grocery stores outside the subcontinent. The Indian space agency, ISRO is developing dehydrated rasagullas and other dishes for Indian astronauts in its planned manned mission in 2016.

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