Home Covers Combination Covers Related/Associated Personalities Meera Bai, Swami Brahmanand, Sant Kavi Sunderdas, Acharya Tulsi and Sant Gadge Baba
Meera Bai, Swami Brahmanand, Sant Kavi Sunderdas, Acharya Tulsi and Sant Gadge Baba
Meera Bai, Swami Brahmanand, Sant Kavi Sunderdas, Acharya Tulsi and Sant Gadge Baba

Product Details
Product Name
Meera Bai, Swami Brahmanand, Sant Kavi Sunderdas, Acharya Tulsi and Sant Gadge Baba
Issue Date
15 October 1952
2as, 200x2, 300x2

India Post has issued many stamps of renowned Personalities of different spheres and with different achievements. The collectors with creativity have made covers with combination of  stamps of Personalities with similar areas of activity, achievements, awards etc duly cancelled on respective dates. Such covers show the creative efforts of the philatelists.

Here on this official cover, stamp of Meera Bai dated 15-10-52 is combined with stamp of Swami Brahmanand issued on 14-9-97, Sant Kavi Sunderdas issued on 8-11-97, Acharya Tulsi issued on 20-10-98 & Sant Gadge Baba issued on 20-12-98 with cancellations of respective dates.


Denomination : (1) 2as (15-10-52 - Meera Bai) (2) 200 (14-9-97 - Swami Brahmanand (Freedom Fighter & Social Reformer) (3) 200 (8-11-97 - 400th Birth Anniversary of Sant Kavi Sunderdas (4) 300 (20-10-98 - Acharya Tulsi (Jain Scholar & Social Reformer) (5) 300 (20-12-98 - Sant Gadge Baba (Philosopher & Social Reformer) with pictures of Meera Bai, Swami Brahmanand, Sant Kavi Sunderdas, Acharya Tulsi, Sant Gadge Baba

Cancellations : (1) Legend Swami Brahmanand / Pune in Hindi & English; 411001 / 14-9-97 (2) Legend Sant Kavi Sunderdas / Pune in Hindi & English; 411001 / 8-11-97 (3) Legend Acharya Tulsi / Pune in Hindi & English; 411001 / 20-10-98 (4) Legend Sant Gadge Baba / Pune in Hindi & English; 411001 / 20-12-98

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