Home Creative Philately Art in affixing Se-tenants
Art in affixing Se-tenants
Art in affixing Se-tenants

First Day Covers have three aspects viz. Stamps, Cachets and Cancellations. Indian stamps and Cachets on FDCs are always appropriate and attractive. While the Cancellations give them a touch of History asĀ  they have name of place and date of issue in their design. All the three factors are the basic requirements of making a FDC. Normally people affix the stamps or Se-tenants on FDC and get them cancelled. But a passionateĀ  philatelist can create an attractive cover by his artistic vision in arranging the stamps - Se-tenants and then obtaining the cancellations. He may arrange stamps in an arch form or zigzag form positioning vertical and horizontal stamps. He may use Stamps with color code or marginal inscription on FDC. His efforts and pains that he has taken can be seen when we see such beautiful FDCs.

Here an effort is made to present such artistic FDCs which in true sense have creative touch of philatelist and which appeal to our eyes.

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Preserve the Polar Regions and Glaciers
19 December 2009
Both pairs together - Cancellation of Amritsar
Rath Yatra Puri (MS with cross on left)
12 July 2010
Two cancellations of Ahmedabad
Rath Yatra Puri (MS with cross on right)
12 July 2010
Two cancellations of Ahmedabad
Rath Yatra Puri (MS with traffic light left above)
12 July 2010
Two cancellations of Ahmedabad
Rath Yatra Puri ( MS with traffic light left below)
12 July 2010
Two cancellations of Ahmedabad
Rath Yatra Puri (MS with traffic light right above)
12 July 2010
Two cancellations of Ahmedabad
Rath Yatra Puri (MS with traffic light right below)
12 July 2010
Two cancellations of Ahmedabad
Children's Day
14 November 2010
Se-tenant Horizontal & Vertical Pairs of 2 - Six cancellations of Amritsar
National Council of Education - Dr. Triguna Sen
24 December 2010
Both pairs together - Cancellation of Amritsar
Philately Day - Format-1
12 October 2012
Three cancellations of Chennai
Philately Day - Format-2
12 October 2012
Two cancellations of Chennai
India-Israel - Joint Issue - Format-1
05 November 2012
Se-tenant Horizontal & Vertical Pairs of 2 - Two cancellations of Chennai

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