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International Non-Violence Day
International Non-Violence Day
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International Non-Violence Day - Design-25
02 October 2009
Ahimsa calls for the strength and courage to suffer without retaliation, to receive blows without returning any. M.K. Gandhi (MAHATMA, Vol. 7, Page 75)
International Non-Violence Day - Design-26
02 October 2009
Ahimsa is no mere theory with me, but it is a fact of life based on extensive experience. M.K. Gandhi (MAHATMA, Vol. 7, Page 402)
International Non-Violence Day - Design-27
02 October 2009
Ahimsa is the highest duty. Even if we cannot practice it in full, we must try to understand its spirit and refrain as far as in humanly possible from violence. M.K. Gandhi (MAHATMA, Vol. 7, Page 61)
International Non-Violence Day - Design-28
02 October 2009
Ahimsa is a science. The word 'failure' has no place in the vocabulary of science. M.K. Gandhi (MAHATMA, Vol. 5, Page 81)
International Non-Violence Day - Design-29
02 October 2009
The principle of ahimsa is hurt by every evil thought, by undue haste, by lying, by hatred, by wishing ill to anybody. M.K. Gandhi (Truth is God, Page 36)
International Non-Violence Day - Design-30
02 October 2009
Ahimsa is the one of the world's great principles, which no power on earth can wipe out. M.K. Gandhi (The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi, Page 147)
International Non-Violence Day - Design-31
02 October 2009
Ahimsa must express itself through acts of selfless service of the masses. M.K. Gandhi (MAHATMA, Vol. 8, Page 81)
International Non-Violence Day - Design-32
02 October 2009
Ahimsa magnifies one's own defects and minimizes those of the opponent. It regards the mole in one's own eye as a beam and the beam is the opponent's eye as a mole. M.K. Gandhi (MAHATMA, Vol. 5, Page 91)
International Non-Violence Day - Design-33
02 October 2009
Ahimsa is the attribute of the soul, and therefore, to be practiced by everybody in all the affairs of life. M.K. Gandhi (The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi, Page 24)

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