Home Creative Philately Narendra Modi Visits to different Countries Visit to America 26-9-2014 to 30-9-2014
Visit to America 26-9-2014 to 30-9-2014
Visit to America 26-9-2014 to 30-9-2014
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PM Narendra Modi addressing  Indian-American Community on a  rotating stage at Madison Square Garden  at Madison Square Garden - Design-3
28 September 2014
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to America 28-9-2014 - Special Event Cover
PM Narendra Modi's speech  seen and heard by people on large  screen at Times Square, New York - Design-4
28 September 2014
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to America 28-9-2014 - Special Event Cover
An artist carries  Prime Minister Narendra Modi's  portrait after making it in front of the  crowd during a reception  at Madison Square Garden - Design-5
28 September 2014
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to America 28-9-2014 - Special Event Cover
PM Narendra Modi's  Breakfast meeting with top  CEOs of 11 US companies  - Design-1
29 September 2014
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to America 29-9-2014 - Special Event Cover
PM Narendra Modi Meets  Hillary and Bill Clinton  Former President of America - Design-2
29 September 2014
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to America 29-9-2014 - Special Event Cover
PM Narendra Modi addressing  Council of Foreign relations at New York - Design-3
29 September 2014
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to America 29-9-2014 - Special Event Cover
President Barack Obama welcomes Narendra Modi,  at the dinner hosted in his honour,  at the White House, in Washington DC - Design-4
29 September 2014
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to America 29-9-2014 - Special Event Cover
PM Narendra Modi discussing and taking  only water as he is fasting with President Obama  at the dinner table at White House, Washington D.C - Design-5
29 September 2014
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to America 29-9-2014 - Special Event Cover
Prime Minister Narendra Modi paying  Homage to Mahatma Gandhi outside  Indian Embassy at USA - Design-1
30 September 2014
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to America 30-9-2014 - Special Event Cover
PM Narendra Modi in an  official meeting with President Obama - Design-2
30 September 2014
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to America 30-9-2014 - Special Event Cover
PM Narendra Modi meets and  greets people outside  Indian Embassy at Washington DC - Design-3
30 September 2014
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to America 30-9-2014 - Special Event Cover
PM Narendra Modi arrives at  White House Washington for  bilateral talks with President Obama - Design-4
30 September 2014
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to America 30-9-2014 - Special Event Cover

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