Home Creative Philately Significant Event Covers
Significant Event Covers
Significant Event Covers

These covers are those which are prepared and got postmarked by philatelist on particular event with or without cachet.  Themes of events have no limitations. To name a few.... they may be of achievements of individual or nation, paying tribute to Death of some personality, documenting some historic event of national or international importance or commemorating anniversary or centenary of some celebrity or event. These covers are creative masterpieces of philatelists' imagination and efforts because in many cases, philatelists have tried to commercially use these covers. Such covers make postal history and create niche in hearts of philatelists. They  give a new postal dimension to the event and in turn become more desirable to philatelists.

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64th Birthday of Amitabh Bachchan
11 October 2005
Creatively designed cover - 64th Birthday of the Super Star Amitabh Bachchan - used as Speed Post
Rajiv Gandhi Renewable Energy Day
20 August 2004
Artistically designed cover on the stamp issue day showing medal of highest civilian award BHARAT RATNA which was awarded to Rajiv Gandhi posthumously in 1991 used as Speed Post with stamp of Rajiv Gandhi
23rd Death Anniversary of Mohammad Rafi
31 July 2003
Creatively designed in memory of evergreen melodious Playback Singer Mohammad Rafi on his 23rd Death Anniversary used as Speed Post with stamps of Mohammad Rafi
Birth Centenary of Pingali Venkayya
02 August 1976
Creatively designed cover - Our National Flag Designer

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