Home Creative Philately Tributes to Mahatma Gandhi by Famous Leaders Tributes to Mahatma Gandhi by Famous Leaders - Design-12
Tributes to Mahatma Gandhi by Famous Leaders - Design-12
Tributes to Mahatma Gandhi by Famous Leaders - Design-12

Product Details
Product Name
Tributes to Mahatma Gandhi by Famous Leaders - Design-12
Issue Date
30 January 2019

Gave his country its freedom and its flag.

Mahatma Gandhi, whose frail body was committed to the flames yesterday, is not dead. It was right that the cremation took place in the midst of the dead kings who were buried in Delhi, for he was the kingliest of all kings. It is right also that he who was the Apostle of Peace should have been taken to the cremation ground with all the honours of a great warrior. Far greater than all the warriors who led the armies to battle was this little man, the bravest, the most tried friend of all. Delhi has become the centre and sanctuary of the great revolutionary who emancipated his enslave country from foreign bondage and gave it to its freedom and its flag.

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