Republic of India-2
Republic of India-2

Product Details
Product Name
Republic of India-2
Issue Date
26 January 1950

India, having evolved her Constitution, declared herself a Republic on 26th January, 1950. A set of four stamps was issued to commemorate the occasion.

The 2a stamp depicts a boy and a girl watching a procession carrying flags and blowing trumpets, which herald India's attainment of full Statehood.

The other three stamps symbolically show the country's programme to furnish the basic needs - food, clothing and education to her people. The 3 1/2 a stamp shows a quill, an inkwell and manuscripts inscribed with Gandhiji's favourite hymn 'Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram...' in Hindi. The 4a stamp depicts an ear of corn and plough, and the 12a stamp a charkha with a length of handwoven cloth in the background. These stamps were printed by off-set lighography.

2a - scarlet (W3, 19.7 mill., 128 nos.)
2a - scarlet (wmk inverted, 128 nos.)
3 1/2a - ultramarine (W3, 1.2 mill., 128 nos.)
4a - violet (W3, 6.9 mill., 128 nos.)
12a - maroon (W3, 2.5 mill., 128 nos.)
12a - maroon (wmk, inverted, 128 nos.)

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