Gandhi Centenary-1
Gandhi Centenary-1

Product Details
Product Name
Gandhi Centenary-1
Issue Date
02 October 1969

In commemoration of the Birth Centenary of Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Nation, and apostle of truth and non-violence. Born on 2nd October 1869 and died on 30th January 1948 in the hands of an assassin. On his death, the famous scientist Albert Einstein had remarked - 'Generations to come... will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.'

The four stamps issued depict Gandhiji and Kasturba (20p), Gandhiji (75p), a wood-cut of Gandhiji's profile by Nandalal Bose (1r) and Gandhiji at the spinning-wheel (5r) - with the sun and a lotus in the background, symbolizing 'truth' and 'non-violence'.

20p - blackish brown (no wmk, 8 mill., 42 nos.)
75p - orange & raw sienna (no wmk, 3.5 mill., 35 nos.)
1r - bronze blue (no wmk, 2.25 mill., 50 nos.)
5r - greyish brown & red-orange (no wmk, 1.25 mill., 35 nos.)

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