Home Phila Info Se-tenant Stamps of Michelangelo - Varieties & Variations - Praful Thakkar - I. A. S. (Retd.)
Se-tenant Stamps of Michelangelo - Varieties & Variations - Praful Thakkar - I. A. S. (Retd.)

Se-tenant Stamps of Michelangelo (Italian Sculptor, Painter, Architect, Engineer and Poet) is the second issue of Se-tenant Stamps by India Post after the first Se-tenant issue of Mathura Museum. It is issued on 28-06-1975.

(A) Maxim Card:

India Post has issued the First Maxim Card depicting the exact picture of the block of four Se tenant stamps of Michelangelo.

(B) Cancellations:

1. We find cancellations of various philatelic bureaus and F. P. Os on the block. However it seems a Special bilingual Cancellation in Hindi and English was also given at Bombay with postmark of 'National Centre for Performing Arts'. This cancellation is seen in two varieties... Hand struck & Machine struck.

Hand Struck Cancellation                                         Machine Struck Cancellation

2. Cancellation of F. P. O. No 840

3. We have seen that this Se tenant stamps of Michelanelo have been cancelled at India Stall in World Stamp Exhibition ITALIA 76 which was held in Italy between 14-10-1975 to 24-10-1975.

(C) Folders:

There are different types of folders issued for Michelanelo Se tenant stamps.

VIP Folder

Normal Folder

Special Type of Presentation Folder?

(D) First Day Covers with variations in format or Order of Se tenant stamps:

The format of this issue is in block of four Se tenant stamps.

The quadruple Se tenant stamps show two paintings done by Michelangelo on the ceiling of Sistine Chapel in Vatican.

(1) The picture, in the upper half Se-tenant Pair, depicts the painting bearing the theme of "The Creation of the  Sun, Moon and the Planets" and

(2) one in the lower half Se-tenant pair shows the painting with the theme of "The Creation of Man".

Positions of Se tenant blocks:

1. FDC with Normal Position of Se tenants in Block of four stamps

Upper Horizontal pair with painting of Creation of Sun, Moon etc and Lower Horizontal pair with painting of Creation of Man.










2. FDC with Reverse Position of Se tenants in Block of four stamps

Upper Horizontal pair with painting of Creation of Sun, Moon etc and Lower Horizontal pair with painting of Creation of Man.






However some creative philatelist has got both these Se tenant Blocks cancelled on one FDC.

Positions of Se tenant Pairs:

FDC with Se tenant Horizontal Pair of Upper half two stamps with painting of Creation of Sun, Moon etc.

FDC with Se tenant Horizontal Pair of Lower half two stamps with painting of Creation of Man.

Positions of Color Code:

Four colors have been used in producing these stamps. They are indicated as Star color code marks in four corners of the sheet with 18 blocks each. The Star color code in different corners makes different positioning of color code marks as under:

Color Code right up               Color Code right down                 Color Code left up                 Color Code left down

(E) Picture shades and letter sizes of 'First Day Cover' in cachet of design:

(I) Normally different variations are not found in cachets of FDCs issued by Indian Post & Telegraph Department. However, we have seen a variation in engraved design of the FDCs of stamps of Saints & Poets, which are the first issues printed by 'Photogravure' in India and are released on 1-10-1952.  This issue of Se-tenant Stamps of Michelangelo, released on 28-6-1975,  is another example where we find some variations in cachets of FDCs.

(II) It seems on the FDC, a famous Engraving of the face of David, which is one of the most renowned works of Michelangelo of the Renaissance period, is presented. On the top 'FIRST DAY COVER' is written in English and Hindi. We find different variations in shades of the face and size, type and position of letters of "First Day Cover".

1. FDC with Picture in light shade, First Day Cover in Small letters, Se tenant Block of four in Normal Position

2. FDC with Picture in light shade, First Day Cover in Small letters, Se tenant Block of four in Reverse Position

3. FDC with Picture in dark shade, First Day Cover in little bigger letters, Se tenant Block of four in Normal Position

4. FDC with Picture in dark shade, First Day Cover in little bigger letters, Se tenant Block of four in Reverse Position

(F) Color Variation in Se tenant Stamps:

Some color variations are found in Se tenant stamps of Michelangelo.

(1) Block of four with Reddish Shade Type 1

(2) Block of four with Greenish Shade Type 2

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