Home Philatelist's Delight Pre-Independence Covers
Pre-Independence Covers
Pre-Independence Covers

In times of King George V between 1929 and 1937, three commemorative events took place. And to commemorate these events, stamps with relevant thematic and symbolic pictures were issued. The events are 1. Introduction of Air-Mail service 2. Inauguration of New Delhi 3. Silver jubilee of King George V’s reign.

Just as in King George V’s time, three landmark events were celebrated with commemorative stamps, a pictorial series of various modes of transports was also issued in King George VI's time.  Stamps from 2a to 12a in this series illustrated the modes of transport used for the carriage of mail in India. This was the first occasion when pictorial stamps formed part of a regular series. Till now, the pictorial form had only been used for commemorative issues such as Inauguration of New Delhi etc. It will be important to note that heads of British Royal Emperors were shown by the side of all the relevant symbolic pictures on these commemorative or regular series stamps.

Here an effort is made to present various FDCs prepared with these pictorial commemorative stamps issued King George V and King George VI’s period.

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George VI Complete Set with Jaihind Cancellation - 15-8-1947 - Extremely Rare
15 August 1947
3ps, 3ps ovpt., 1/2a, 9ps, 1a, 1a 3ps, 1 1/2a, 2a, 3a, 3 1/2a, 4a, 6a, 8a, 12a, 14a, 1r, 2r, 5r, 10r, 15r, 25r
FDC with Jai Hind cancellation on complete full set of 21 King George VI stamps - Extremely Rare
Modes of Mail Transport in use in India with head of King George VI at right
15 December 1937
2, 2a, 3a, 4a, 6a,
Registered FDC of stamps with pictures of Transport modes addressed to England from Apollo Bandar, Bombay GPO with cancellation date 15-12-1937
Inauguration of New Delhi
09 February 1931
1/4a, 1/2a, 1a, 2a,
Registered FDC of Inauguration of New Delhi stamps with New Delhi Cancellation date 9-2-1931

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