Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1957-1964 N.P. Value National Children's Day (click for stamp information)
National Children's Day (click for stamp information)
National Children's Day (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
National Children's Day (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
14 November 1957

The stamps illustrated in this folder constitute the nineteenth of the series of commemorative stamps issued since attainment of independence. The three stamps comprising this series carry the theme corresponds to this year's program for the celebration of the Children's Day touching the nutritional, recreational and educational aspects of the CHILD WELFARE MOVEMENT. The new stamps will be released for sale from November 14, 1957- CHILDREN'S DAY.

Term of Sale: Overseas orders for the supply of the new stamps and First Day Cover should be addressed with full particulars to the Indian Philatelic Bureau, G.P.O., Bombay and should be accompanied by a bank draft or crossed cheques encashable in India. INDIAN POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS The Commercial Printing Press Limited, Bombay 1. 4-61.

Special first Day Cancellations will be used on the first day of issue of the new stamps at all the philatelic Bureaus in India, namely, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi, Simla, Lucknow, Patana, Shillong, Cutack, Nagpur, Hyderabad, Karnool and Jaipur and at Allahabad Head Post Office. A first day Cover will also be made available for sale at important post offices all over India. Overseas orders for the supply of the new stamps should be addressed with full particulars to the Presidency Postmaster, G.P.O., Bombay, Calcutta or Madras, and should be accompanied by Bank Drafts or crossed cheques encashable in India. INDIAN POSTS & TELEGRAPHS Produced by the Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity, Ministry of I & B Govt. of India. Printed at National Printing Works, Delhi.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
10 Mill

Set of 3

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