Indian Industries Fair, New Delhi (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
Indian Industries Fair, New Delhi (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
14 November 1961
The Industries Fare, 1961, is being held in the first year of the third five-year plan for national development. The fare, which has been organised by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry, will give a panorama of the progress of Indian industry in its march towards a self-sustaining and self-generating economy under the first two Five Year Plans. Industrial production in the country has nearly doubled during these two plans and foundations have been laid for a more rapid rate of development in the this plan.
The fare, which will be opened on November 14, 1961, is being held at the Mathura Road exhibition Grounds, which have already witnessed a number of national & international exhibitions, Industrial as well as Agricultural. Besides the various sectors of Indian Industry, a number of foreign countries are participating. These include almost all the industrially advanced countries as also some of the developing nations. The fare will give an opportunity to manufacturers and businessmen for a closer contact on a national and international plane. The Indian Posts & Telegraph Department is commemorating the inauguration of the fare by the issue of a special postage stamp. The stamp shows the design of the proposed tower gate of the fare and the cogwheel symbolising industry and its progress.
Designed by Staff artist of the India Security Press INDIAN POSTS & TELEGRAPHS Designed and produced by the Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity, Ministry of I. & B., Govt. of India, for the Directorate General of Posts & Telegraphs, Ministry of Communications, and printed by The Caxton Press Private Limited, New Delhi.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
Printed Quantity
5 Mill
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