Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1957-1964 N.P. Value Centenary of Scientific Forestry (click for stamp information)
Centenary of Scientific Forestry (click for stamp information)
Centenary of Scientific Forestry (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Centenary of Scientific Forestry (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
21 November 1961

The centenary of scientific forestry in India is being celebrated on November 21, 1961. Steps had no doubt being taken even in the fortees and fiftees of the 19th century in some provinces to take action towards a scientific forest policy, but it was only in the seventh decade of that century that forest policy, legislation, demarcation and conservancy made big strides. That is why the first year of that decade (1861) has been chosen as the starting point of scientism forestry in India. The growing economy of India and the requirements of fast developing wood-based industries today highlight as never before the need for the further growth and development of scientific forestry in the country.

The Post & Telegraphs Department is glad to join in commemorating an event that focuses attention on a vital aspect of India's development. The 15-nP stamp which the department will issue on November 21, 1961, depict a forest scene with the Himalayas in the background.

INDIAN POSTS & TELEGRAPHS Designed and printed at THE PHOTOLITHO WING, GOVT. OF INDIA PRESS, NEW DELHI-1. Designed by Staff artist of the India Security Press

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
2.5 Mill

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