Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1957-1964 N.P. Value Dr. Dadabhoy Naoroji (click for stamp information)
Dr. Dadabhoy Naoroji (click for stamp information)
Dr. Dadabhoy Naoroji (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Dr. Dadabhoy Naoroji (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
04 September 1963

Dr. Dadabhoy Naoroji was born at Navsari in Gujarat State on 4-9-1825 and died on 30-6-1917 at the ripe old age of ninety-two. Popularly known as the "Grand Old man of India", Dadabhoy Naoroji belonged to a very poor family. He lost his father early in the life and it was left to his mother to bring him up. As a child, Dadabhoy showed signs of a remarkably keen intelligence and in the course of a brilliant academic career he won a number of scholarships, which helped him to take up higher studies in College.

His proves in Mathematics attracted the attention of his professor, who offered to meet part of his expenses for further education in England. Straitened circumstances, however, prevented Dadabhoy Naoroji from availing of this offer and he had to take up employment to earn his livelihood. In 1885 he sailed for England and worked there for a time with a firm. India was just then passing through the turmoil of the 1857 Revolution. A patriot at heart, Dadabhoy Naoroji decided to return home and enlist in the service of his motherland. His later career in India and abroad was crowned with a series of successes. He became one of the founder of the Indian National Congress and presided over its Lahore Session in the year 1893. He was elected a Member of the British Parliament in the year 1892 - the first Indian to attain this high distinction. A gifted Parliamentarian, Dadabhoy Naoroji very ably represented India's case for responsible government before the elected representatives of Great Britain.

A great scholar and gifted writer, Naoroji brought out a number of publications on social, educational and political subjects. Though he was the most well known India of his day, Dadabhoy Naoroji led a very simple life. Mahatma Gandhi respected him and sought his advice as long as he was alive.

The Posts and Telegraphs Department is privileged to honour a great Indian and patriot on his birth anniversary through the issue of a commemorative stamp.

INDIAN POSTS & TELEGRAPHS 7 nP. Designed and produced by the Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity, Ministry of I. & B., Govt. of India, for the D.G.P.& I. and printed at Asia Press, Delhi- 6. 4/6/63-PIII Eng. 25,000 Copies Aug. 1963.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
2.5 Mill

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