Wildlife Preservation (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
Wildlife Preservation (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
07 October 1963
TIGER It is difficult to imagine a more spectacular animal than the Tiger (Panthera tigris), especially when seen in its natural habitat against a green background of dense jungle. Found in most parts of India, except in the extreme northwest and higher Himalayan ranges, it is still holding its own in spite of the increase in human population and resultant spread of cultivation and pasture. Lack of natural food such as deer and wild pig often compels tigers to become cattle-lifters.
Only very occasionally will a Tiger become a man-killer or a man-eater. The very rare man-eating tiger is usually driven to become to this by old age or some disability. A wounded tiger, or a tigress with young cubs, can be very dangerous, but as a rule a person entering a forest has no fear of tigers as the latter will cunningly keep well out of the way. 'White' tigers sometimes occur, especially in the old princely state of Rewa, and these are usually partial albinos - a freak of nature. No black tiger has ever been reliably recorded, though black leopards are fairly frequently met with in south and northeast India. For sportsmen to shoot, tigers are usually driven out of thick jungle by beaters or tame elephants, or else shot over a 'kill'.
As they become rarer, it is becoming more fashionable nowadays to try and 'shoot' them with a camera in some park or sanctuary like the Corbett National Park.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
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