Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1966-1970 Paisa Value shown with 'P' in Numerals - Part-1 10th Anniversary of Inter-Government Maritime Consultative Organisation (click for stamp information)
10th Anniversary of Inter-Government Maritime Consultative Organisation (click for stamp information)
10th Anniversary of Inter-Government Maritime Consultative Organisation (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
10th Anniversary of Inter-Government Maritime Consultative Organisation (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
14 October 1969

The Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation (IMCO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations established by a convention signed at Geneva in 1948 to provide a machinery for co-operation among governments in the field of governmental regulations and practices relating to shipping and to encourage the general adoption of the highest practicable standards concerning maritime safety and efficiency of navigation, to encourage the removal of flag discrimination and to provide for exchange of information.

IMCO Convention came into force on March 17, 1958. The first Assembly session was held in January, 1959. The Organisation has thus completed ten years of successful work. India, as a nation, having special interest in maritime transport and navigation, is a founder member of IMCO and has been elected member of the IMCO Council, the governing body of the IMCO. In view of its growing maritime fleet, shipbuilding and maritime trade, the work of the IMCO is of great importance to this country. IMCO was responsible for finalising the safety of life at the sea (SOLAS) Convention replacing the 1958 Convention for insuring increased maritime safety. This has received general acceptance and makes detailed provisions regarding construction of ships, life saving appliances, etc. Another important achievement of IMCO is the finalistaion of the Inter-national Convention on Load Lines, 1966. This Convention establishes uniform principles and rules with respect to the limits to which ships on international voyages may be loaded, having regard to the need for safeguarding life and property on sea. The Organisation brought about in 1962 necessary changes in the Convention on Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil of 1954.

IMCO was also responsible for the adoption of the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, aimed at reducing and simplifying governmental formalities, documentary requirements and procedure connected with the arrival, stay and departure of ships. India and other developing countries are directly concerned with the carriage of unberthed passengers including 'Haj' pilgrims. Their safety and other connected problems were recently taken up by IMCO at India's instance. Ad Hoe special committee of the maritime Safety Committee of IMCO has been established to revise the Simla Rules, 1931. IMCO's efforts to expand, and diversify its technical assistance programme has gone a long way to meet the requirements of the developing countries of the world.

IMCO is increasingly playing its part in a number of problems connected with the safety and efficiency of navigation. Among other important activities of the IMCO may be mentioned the Tonnage Measurement Conference in May/June 1969 wherein a unified system of Tonnage measurement of ships has been adopted. It has also a proposal to hold a legal conference in Brussels in November, 1969 to tackle problems connected with the ship causalities at high seas and oil pollution resulting from the separation of large tankers for carriage of huge quantities of oil by sea.

The first Assembly Session of the Inter Governmental maritime Consultative Organisation following the 10th Anniversary, is scheduled to be held from 15th to 30th October 1969 and the Government of India, as founder member, is keen to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Organisation in a befitting manner.

The Posts and telegraphs department is happy to associate itself with these celebrations by bringing out a stamp in commemoration of the event.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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