Centenary of Nalanda College (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
Centenary of Nalanda College (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
27 March 1970
Nalanda College, Biharsharif (Bihar) is the oldest college of the Magadh University. It was established a century back as the Bihar English High School. The first batch of students appeared in the year 1871 from the Calcutta University. Thanks to the munificent donation made by the late Rai Bahadue Edal Singh, its founder, it blossomed into a full-fledged college in 1920. The donor gave away his zamindari property worth Rs. Two and a half lakhs with an annual income of Rs. 12,000 for the setting up of the college.
The institution takes its name after the famous and ancient Nalanda University. The college was inaugurated by the then Lt. Governor of Bihar on 20th July, 1920. The institution worked as a school upgraded into a school-cum-intermediate college and renamed 'Nalanda College'. In the year 194, the institution was upgraded into a degree college. It is presently a degree college affiliated to the Magadh University (Gaya) catering to both arts and science with about 2,000 students on the roll. The college is teaching up to Honours standard in almost all subjects of arts and science. Recently, the Government of Bihar have decided to covert this college as a constituent unit of the Magadh University with effect from 1st April, 1970. In the year 1926, the Government of Bihar, realising the importance of this institution, made this college a fully deficit-aided college and since then the Government of Bihar has been meeting the deficit of the college.
The college has been able to build up a good library out of the grant given by the University Grants Commission. It has also a fine auditorium-cum-recreation hall built under the campus project scheme of the Government of India at a cost of Rs. 1.25 lakhs. The college has two hostels in the college campus and one outside maintained by the college. This institution has been rendering yeoman service to the cause of higher education in Bihar State and some of its alumni are already adorning high posts in the public life of the State. The college has been serving all classes of people without distinction of caste or creed and has been admiring students from all corners of the State. Nalanda college is celebrating its centenary week in the last week of March, 1970 in recognition of its 100 years of useful service to the cause of higher education. The University Grants commission has also sanctioned a sum of Rs. 1 lakh for the construction of a Centenary Block in the college.
On this memorable occasion, the Posts and Telegraphs Department has great pleasure in bringing out a special postage stamp to commemorate this event.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
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