Indipex-73, International Stamp Exhibition, New Delhi (1st Issue) (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
Indipex-73, International Stamp Exhibition, New Delhi (1st Issue) (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
08 January 1973
An exhibition is an organised display works of art, science and industry for the purpose of stimulating public interest and illustrating the progress and acomplishments of one or wide variey of productive activities. People are attracted to this type of display primarily because of the exhibition's educational and entertainment value. The exhibitions of all tpe including philatelic exercise an influence that is immediate, continuous and far-reaching. With the issue of the first postage stamp in 1840 the hobby of collecting stamps started. Although for the first two years the hobby was confined mostly to school boys but by 1863 it made inroads to the hearts of serious minded people. With the expansion of the hobby it took no time for clubs and socities to be organised.
The need for exploring individual collections by stamp collectors was also strongly felt. Thus started Philatelic Exhibitions. The first Internatinal Exhibition was, however, held on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the first postage stamp in London in 1890. Other international exhibitions practically were held in Paris, Hague, Amsterdam and Vienna in subsequent years followed by exhibitions practically every year. More than two to three international exhibitions are now being held every year in one part of the globe or the other. India organised its first international exhibition in 1954 on the occasion of the celebration of the Centenary of India's first postage stamp.
Since then a number of exhibitions were held by various organisations in the ciuntry. A National Philatelic Exhibition was, however, held in 1970 on a large scale under the auspices of the Indian Posts & Telegraphs Department. The success of the National Philatelic Exhibition promoted the P&T Department to undertake the task of sponsoring the India International Philatelic Exhibition (INDIPEX-73), to be held in New Delhi during the period from 14th to 23rd November, 1973. The exhibition has been planed in the "Hall of Nations" a unique building of space frame structure free from intervenning columns and will provide an ideal site affording an area of 7000 sq. mtrs. The competetive section will display about 2000 specially designed frames and great care has been taken for their arrangements and grouping.
The P & T Department feels it a greatprivilege to bring out a series of four special postage stamps to mark this historic philatelic event. One of the stamp in this series with the symbol of the exhibition is being brought out on the 8th Jaunary, 1973 as an advance publicity of the exhibition. The other three stamps will be issued on the day of the inauguration of the exhibition. The Department feels that this stamp will generate interest amongst the philatelists and collectors throughout the world to make the exhibition a success with their co-operation.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
Printed Quantity
3 Mill
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