Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1971-1974 Paisa Value shown with 'P' in Numerals - Part-2 Jai Bangla, Inauguration of First Bangaladesh Parliament (click for stamp information)
Jai Bangla, Inauguration of First Bangaladesh Parliament (click for stamp information)
Jai Bangla, Inauguration of First Bangaladesh Parliament (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Jai Bangla, Inauguration of First Bangaladesh Parliament (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
10 April 1973

The People's Republic of Bangladesh has emerged, after a valiant national liberation struggle, as a new nation on the Indian Sub-continent, new and yet old in the ways of culture and civilisation. The people of India have stood steadfastly by the side of the people of Bangladesh, sharing in their trials and tribulations, and rejoicing in their successes and achievements. The friendship between Bangladesh and India is based on shared ideals and aspirations, good neighbourliness and mutual respect.

These form a firn foundation for close co-operation in the future. Bangladesh proclaimed its independence on the 26th March 1971. Within a year, Bangladsh has given to itself a Constitution, which came into effect on the 16th December, 1972, based on the principles of nationalism, socialism, democracy and secularism, ideals to which India also subscribes.

The 35 million voters of Bangladesh have recently participated in their first General Election under the new Constitution, and registered their confidence in and support for the principles and policies of their leadership, under the imprising guidance of Prime Minister Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. We rejoice with the people of Bangladesh on the occasion of the inauguration of their first Parliament.

The P & T Department considers it a privilege to bring out a stamp to commemorate this major landmark in the progress of the eople's Republic of Bangladesh. The stamp dsigned and printed by the India Security Press, Nasik dpicts the Flag and Map of Bangladesh, and its national flower, the SHAPLA.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
3 Mill

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