Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1971-1974 Paisa Value shown with 'P' in Numerals - Part-2 300th Anniversary of Coronation of Shivaji (click for stamp information)
300th Anniversary of Coronation of Shivaji (click for stamp information)
300th Anniversary of Coronation of Shivaji (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
300th Anniversary of Coronation of Shivaji (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
02 June 1974

Shivaji stands out in Indian history as a great patriot, an intrepid soldier and an enlightened ruler. His name has been a source of inspiration to all freedom fighters in this country. His brave and daring deeds have been narrated in countless stories and songs in several Indian languages.


Shivaji was born in April 1627 at Shivneri, a hill fort in the district of Poona. His father Shahaji Bhosle was a doughty warrior and had a small landed estate around Poona where young Shivaji grew up. His mother, Jijabai, was a woman of austere and religious temperament. Her constant companionship, advice and reading of Hindu scriptures instilled in young Shivaji's mind a burning hatred for wrong and injustice, a price in the past glory of his country and an intense desire to carve out an independent kingdom.


By daring military exploits, Shivaji captured several forts, built others and brought the surrounding country under his control. He defeated the Adil Shahi forces sent out to destroy him. His career of conquest brought him in conflict with the mighty Moghul Empire. Within a short span of a few years he was the master of an extensive territory. The auspicious day of 2nd June 1674 Shivaji had his Coronation with resplendent ceremony at Raigad. In the remaining six years of his life, he overwhelmed his foes and gave much thought to the organisation of his administration. He died on 4th April, 1680.


Shivaji was not only a military conqueror but also a great ruler. Aided by his Council of eight Ministers - Ashtapradhan - he gave his kingdom an efficient administration, a disciplined army and navy and a public life based on justice, equity and equality.


The famous Indian historian, Jadunath Sarkar, has this to say of Shivaji : "His reign brought peace and order to his country, assured the protection of women's honour and the religion of all sects without distinction, extended the royal patronage to the truly pious men of all creeds and presented equal opportunities to all his subjects by opening the public service to talent irrespective of caste or creed. This was the ideal policy for a State with a composite population like India."


The P & T Department deems it a privilege to join the nation in paying tribute to the memory of this great son of India by issuing a commemorative postage stamp on the occasion of the Tricentenary of his Coronation.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
3 Mill

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