Indian Personalities (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
Indian Personalities (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
03 July 1974
Jainarayan Vyas stands out as one of the noblest sons of India who fought for the freedom of this country; when she became free, he played an important role inher political, social and cltural life. Born on February 18, 1899 at Jodhpur, Rajasthan, Jainarayan Vyas was drawn into the fredom movement early in is life. He was among the pioneers to organise the freedom struggle in the erstwhile princely States. He attained eminence at an early age and was acknowleged the foremost leader in the former Rajputana States.
He established the Regional Council of Deshi Rajya Praja Parishad and represented te States of Rajputana in the All India Deshi Rajya Praja Parishad. Jainarayan Vyas played a leading role in creating united Rajsthan by integration of various States of rajputana. He became a member of the Constituent Assembly in 1949 and was the first Chief Minister of Rajasthan from 1951 to 1954. Later, he became a Member of Rajya Sabha. Jainarayan Vyas was also a writer and a journalist.
As a journalist, he founded no fewer than 11 journals in Hindi, MArwari amd English. He became the editor of Tarun Rajasthan at the age of 28 and later published Akhand Bharat Daily from Bombay in 1936. On his death onMarch 14, 1963, Dr. Zakir Hussain, the then President of India, said: "Jainarayan Vyas was a distinguished patriot and a noble son of India".
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
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