Indian Personalities (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
Indian Personalities (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
03 July 1974
Madhusudan Das, popularly known as Utkal Gourab, stands out as a distinguished nationalist leader who contributed his share to India's independence. MAdhusudan Das was born on April 28. 1848 in Satyabhamapur village in Cuttak district in Orissa. Against odds, he worked his way to higher education and passed M.A. (English) and B.L. examinations from Calcutta University.
He worked untiringly for the political, social and economical uplift of people of Eastern India, especially Orissa, and rendered commandable service to the nation as a lawyer, social reformer and patriot. To arouse the sense of patriotism in the hearts of millions, he contributed a number of articles and poems both of Oriya and English literature. He was also a powrful orator in Oriya, English and Bengali. He worked hard to rehabilate the Orissan artisans who were celebrated for their artistic skills.
He gave of his earnings generously for the cause of higher education of poor students and contributed liberally to various political, social and cultural organisations. Madhusudan Das died on February 4, 1934. Mahatma Gandhi described him as a great Indian patriot who wore himself out in giving shape and reality to various nation-building schemes.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
Printed Quantity
3 Mill
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