Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1971-1974 Paisa Value shown with 'P' in Numerals - Part-2 Centenary of Mathura Museum (click for stamp information)
Centenary of Mathura Museum (click for stamp information)
Centenary of Mathura Museum (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Centenary of Mathura Museum (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
30 November -0001

The Government Museum, Mathura previously known as the Archaeological Museum, is famous for its rich collecton of early Indian sculptures, particularly of the Kushana period. It was fonded in 1874 by Mr. F.S. Growse, the then District Collector and a great archaelogist. The traditions associating Mathura with the birth of Lord Krishna, the visit of the Buddha and of several Jain pontiffs made it a place of great attention for the followes of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. As a result, many places o worship sprang up in this city.

However, later they lost their glory and became targets of vandalism by the foreign invaders. The monastries which lay ruined gradually develped into several mounds in Mathura and its neigbourhood. These sites attracted the attention of archaelogists and Indologists who explored and axcaveted different mounds in search of art treasures. The characteristic features of Mathura School of Art are as follows:- i) Use of spotted red and stone; ii) Continuance of early art forms of Central India (particularly of Bharhut); iii) Fusion of primitive yaksha cult with pantheon of other sects; iv) Replacement of symbols by the anthropromorphic forms; v) Assimilation of foreign elements; vi) Development of new art forms; vii) Introduction of portrait figures; and viii) Exposition of feminine beauty with great delicacy and charm.

Dr. J.Ph. Vogel, who evinced ken interest in Indian art in general and Kushana art of Amthura in particular, classified the colection of the Museum and prepared a valuable catalogue of the Archaelogical Museum at Mathura in 1910. He laid the foundation for a proper appreciation of the importance and aesthetic value of Mathura School of Art. This was improved upon by the studies of Dr. V.S. Agrawala. The association of late Pandit Radha Krishna also proved to be of great significance in enrich the collection. Mathura useum is one of the finest of its kind in India and recently celebrated its centenary.

Scholars from all over the world had come to attend a seminar on Mathura Art held in Museum. Besides prsrving the cultural Heritage of the nation, the Mathura Museum plays a vital role in community service and dissemination of knowledge through vaious educational activities. The P&T Department has the privilege to highlight the yeomen service rendered by the AMthura Museum by bringing out two commemorative postage stamps during this centenary year.

The two stamps are issued 'se-tenant' and show a lady playing a flute under a tree full of floers and a Vidyadhara hovering in the air with a garland in his hands.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
2 Mill

Set of 2

Se-tenant set of 2 pair

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