19th International Dairy Congress, New Delhi (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
19th International Dairy Congress, New Delhi (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
02 December 1974
The XIX International Dairy Congress being held in New Delhi from 2nd to 6th December, 1974, is one of the major world conferences convened in India.
Every 4 years International Dairy Congress is held in different countries under the aegis of the International Dairy Federation.It has two objectives : (1) Worldwide recognition of the significance of the dairy sciences and of dairying as an industry; and (2) Interantional exchanges of experience, ideas and information which is so valuable to those in the dairy sciences and the dairy industry.
The theme of the present Congress is "Dairying as an instrument of social and economic change". This is particularly appropriate because it is being held in India, a country whichis seeking to bring about a new social and economic order in response to the aspirations of its people. It has been demonstrated that dairying can be instrumental in improving the quality of life for millions of rural people.
During this period New Delhi will be the venue for several complementary activities aimed at encouraging Dairying in India. The Posts and Telegraphs Department is happy to bring out a commemorative postage stamp to mark this occasion.
The motif on the stamp is adopted from a Pechwai (hand-painted cloth hangings from Rajasthan) and shows part of a scene depicting Krishna as Gopal Bal going out with the cows.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
Printed Quantity
3 Mill
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