Bicentenary of Indian Army Ordnance Corps (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
Bicentenary of Indian Army Ordnance Corps (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
08 April 1975
The battle-worthiness of a modern army depends to a great extent upon the availability of required munitions of war at the right time and place. The Army Ordnance Corps has fulfilled this pivotal role for the last two centuries. From the days of the muskets of the Presidency Armies to the electronically-operated guns of today, the Corps has had a long history and has borne the impact of changes with foresight and dynamism.
The Corps had its origin in 1775 when a Board of Ordnance was planned and recommended by the then Commander-in-Chief, Lt. General Sir John Clavering. It was re-organized in 1884. In 1922, the ordnance and clothing services under the Director of Equipment and Ordnance Stores were styled as Indian Army Ordnance Corps (IAOC). The services rendered by the Corps during the Second World War marked another glorious chapter in its history. In December 1970, the Corps had the privilege of being presented its colours by the Vice-President of India.
The Army Ordnance Corps is one of the most complex organizations in the Indian Army today. The diversity of range of stores and equipment provided by the Corps in terms of the number of items, their size, volume and value remains unequalled by even the largest and best equipped inventory holder in the country. The Corps provides every conceivable requirement of the soldier and paramilitary forces with the exception of only rations, fuel, medical supplies and certain specialized engineering equipment.
The Army Ordnance Corps is celebrating its bicentenary this year. The Posts and Telegraphs Department is happy to bring out a commemorative stamp on this occasion.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
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