Indian Classical Dances (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
Indian Classical Dances (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
20 October 1975
Kathakali from Kerala is classical dance drama. It is quite different from any of the forms described above. Unlike the others, it is dramatic rather than narative in character. Diferent roles are taken by diferent characters; the dances are all men or were so, till recent. It takes epic mythological themes as its content and portrays them through an eleborate dramatic spectacle which is characterised by an otherworldly quality, a supernatural grandeur, a stylised over-size costume to give the impression of enlaring human proportins and a mask like make-up on the face which is governed by a complex symbolism of colour, line and design.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
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2 Mill
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