Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1975-1977 Inpex-75, India National Philatelic Exhibition, Calcutta (click for stamp information)
Inpex-75, India National Philatelic Exhibition, Calcutta (click for stamp information)
Inpex-75, India National Philatelic Exhibition, Calcutta (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Inpex-75, India National Philatelic Exhibition, Calcutta (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
25 December 1975

The India National Philatelic Exhibition (INPEX-75) being organised by the Posts and Telegraphs Department from December 25-31 at Calcutta is the second one of its kind, the first having been held in New Delhi in 1970. India has also staged two Inter­national Philatelic Exhibitions (INDIPEX) in 1954 and 1973. Besides, a series of Regional Exhibitions have also been held in various Postal Circles.

There is no doubt that the Philatelic Exhibitions, held periodically, have gone a long way in creating a new awareness about this educative and fascinating hobby. It has, indeed, enthused more and more people, particularly from the younger generation to take  to  this  hobby.

The Exhibition which will have a capacity of 1,000 frames will display some of the rare and outstanding collections in the  country. These  will  include  Indian  Classics,  proofs and essays of stamps, Indian stamps used abroad, Indian States, Air Mails, Indian Cancellations,  Postal  Stationery  and  literature. A good collection  of stamps of other countries will also be shown by some  collectors  and  philatelists.  The  Thematic  Section of the Exhibition will have various eye­ catching themes like animals, flowers, trees. aviation and  space flights.


The P & T Department is happy to bring out two stamps on the occasion. of the Second India National Philatelic Exhibition­ INPEX-75-on the 25th December, 1975. These stamps will depict The Indian   Bishop Mark in the denomination of Rs. 2/-. An early Mail Cart in the denomination of 25 Paise.

On this occasion of INPEX-75 more attention has been given for the reproduction of the early postmarks used in India both on stamps, first day cancellations and special cancellations.

The earliest use of handstruck postmarks anywhere in the world had been in 1661 in Great Britain when Col. Henry Bishop  was the Postmaster  General there. This post­mark has been named as "Bishop  Mark" after his name. This is very simple m design consisting of  a circle  divided  horizontally in half. The upper half bears a number to indicate the  date  of  the  month  and  the lower half the name of the month in an abbreviated form. The earliest recorded examples of Bishop Mark are those of April, 1661 used in London GPO. Later on, however, they were used in places Like Dublin, Quebec, Calcutta, etc. Examples of such "Bishop Marks" are extremely rare.

The letter with the Bishop Mark used on the stamp of Rs. 2/- was sent from Calcutta to Dacca in 1775, stamped "CALCUTTA"  and  "POSTPAD"  in  addition  to the Bishop Mark "2 FEB.". This letter is unique as it bears the earliest  of  the  only four  "Indian  Bishop  Marks"  known.

The picture of an early Mail Cart has been adopted as the motif of the stamp in 25 P. The mail cart of early days was drawn by one or more horses. It dashed past at a tremendous pace uphill and downhill and through  the plains carrying  mail.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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