Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1975-1977 Indian Wildlife (click for stamp information)
Indian Wildlife (click for stamp information)
Indian Wildlife (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Indian Wildlife (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
01 October 1976

The Leopard or Panther ranges over the whole country and extends into Burma and Sri Lanka. A typical panther from the Indian Peninsula is sleek short-haired animal with a fulvous or bright fulvous coat marked with small close-set black rosettes. The Panther is able to live almost anywhere. It frequently hunts by day, particularly if it has failed to secure food at night. The panther will kill and eat anything it can overpoer with safety- cattle, deer and monkeys, the smaller beats of prey and larger rodents like porcupines. The panthers habit's bring into far ore frequent contact with man than the tiger, and as such it has become a greater potential scourge on human life and property.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
2 Mill

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