Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1975-1977 6th International Film Festival of India, New Delhi (click for stamp information)
6th International Film Festival of India, New Delhi (click for stamp information)
6th International Film Festival of India, New Delhi (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
6th International Film Festival of India, New Delhi (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
03 January 1977

The Sixth International Film Festival of India is being organised by the Directorate of Film Festivals, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, in co-operation with the Film Finance  Corporation and  the Indian film industry. The festival will be held in New Delhi from January 3 to 16; 1977. The First Inter­national Film Festival of India was  held in  the  year  1952, and  the  second  nearly a decade later in 1961. These two festivals were non-competitive. The Third  Festival, which was the first competitive  one, was held in 1965 and the Peacock Award was instituted. The Fourth Festival was organised in 1969 and the Fifth Festival from December 30, 1974 to January 12, 1975.


The International Film Festival of India with its Peacock Award has the distinction of being one of the seven major international film festivals in the world and is recognized by the International Federation of Film Producers' Associations, Paris (FIAFP).


The motto for the International Film Festival, 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' means "the entire world is one family". The Festival aims at:


1. providing a common platform  for the cinematographers of the world to project 'the excellence of their film art;


2. contributing to the  understanding and appreciation of the film cultures of different nations in the context of their social and cultural ethos; and


3. promoting friendship and co-operation among different peoples of the world.


The 14-day Sixth International Film Festival of India is divided into three sections: Competition, Information and Market. Twenty four feature  films  and 24 short films will be shown in the Competition section. Films in the Information section will be screened in various commercial theatres in Delhi. An International Jury of nine members will select outstanding films for the Peacock Awards.


The Indian Posts & Telegraphs Department is happy to bring out a postage stamp to mark the occasion.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
3 Mill

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