Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1975-1977 Birth Centenary of Narottaom Morarjee (click for stamp information)
Birth Centenary of Narottaom Morarjee (click for stamp information)
Birth Centenary of Narottaom Morarjee (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Birth Centenary of Narottaom Morarjee (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
02 April 1977

Narottam Morarjee was born on April 2, 1877 at Porbandar. Narottam lost his father Morarjee Goculdas, a textile magnate, at the age of four. His two illustrious tutors Narayan Chandavarker and Gopal Krishna Gokhale instilled in him a high sense of patriotism. Later he joined  Elphinstone  College,   Bombay but gave up studies to join his father's firm which managed two mills-Morarjee Goculdas Mill of Bombay and Sholapur Mill of Sholapur.


Narottam Morarjee came into close contact with such luminaries on  the Indian political scene as Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Annie Besant, Dadabhai Naoroji, Rabindranath  Tagore,  Sarojini  Naidu and Motilal Nehru. Inspired by the wave of national resurgence generated by Mahatma Gandhi's gospel of Swaraj, Narottam Morarjee and his associates embarked upon a national shipping venture and the Scindia Steam Navigation Company Limited came into existence on March 27, 1919. Thus were laid the foundations  of  modern  Indian  shipping.


On April 5, 1919, Scindia's first ship s.s. LOYALTY sailed  from  Bombay  to the United Kingdom and unfurled the flag of Indian shipping in international waters. The epic voyage symbolised the regeneration of a vanquished national industry, development of neglected ports, growth of Indian trade, prevention of drain of wealth and opening of a career at sea to the Indian youth. It was with infinite patience and tenacity of purpose that Scindias conducted the long voyage towards  their  goal.


For ten years Narottam Morarjee guided the destiny of the Scindia Company and promoted the interests of the Indian shipping industry.  The  progressive growth of the Indian shipping bears testimony  to  his vision and foresight.


Narottam Morarjee, the  architect  of the modern Indian shipping, passed away on November 5, 1929. In an obituary tribute Mahatma Gandhi wrote in Young India: "The tragic death of Sheth Narottam  Morarjee  removed from  our  midst a merchant prince who combined patriotism with commercial ambition...His latest enterprise, the Scindia Steam Navigation Company, was conceived as much through patriotism as through ambition. His charities were wide, discriminating and in keeping with the modern requirements. The removal of such a son  of India at this juncture is a great loss to the country".


The P & T Department feels privileged to bring out a commemorative stamp in honour of Narottam Morarjee on the occasion  of  his  birth  centenary.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
3 Mill

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