INPEX-77, 3rd National Philatelic Exhibition, Bangalore (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
INPEX-77, 3rd National Philatelic Exhibition, Bangalore (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
12 October 1977
The India National Philatelic Exhibition (INPEX -77) being organised by the Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department from October 12 to 16, 1977 at Bangalore is the third one of its kind, the first and second having been held in New Delhi (1970) and Calcutta (1975) respectively. India has also staged two International Philatelic Exhibitions in 1954 and 1973. Besides a series of Philatelic Exhibitions at the State and District levels have also been held in various Postal Circles.
There is no doubt that the Philatelic Exhibitions, held periodically, have gene rated considerable interest in this educative hobby. It is particularly gratifying to note that more and more people, particularly from the younger generation, have been enthused to take to this creative pursuit.
The Exhibition which will have a capacity of 1,000 frames will display some of the rare and outstanding collections in the country.
The Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department is happy to bring out two postage stamps on the occasion of the Third India National Philatelic Exhibition on October 12, 1977. The stamp in Rs. 2 denomination has for its motif a reproduction of the famous 'Lion & Palm Tree' design which was never brought into use. One of the two essays prepared at the Calcutta Mint in 1853 had this design which was roughly copied from Wyon's design for Gold Mohur. A die of this design was engraved and experiments were carried out at the Mint to produce embossed stamps. A second and somewhat similar die was also engraved in 1853 and essays in various colours and on various papers were printed from this die. The stamp reproduces one of the colour trials from die II of this design which is on display in the, National Philatelic Museum, New Delhi.
The stamp in 25 paise denomination depicts an early Postman of Punjab. The photo adopted for the design of the stamp is taken from 'History of the Post Office' by I Hamilton.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
Printed Quantity
2 Mill
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