Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1978-1980 Nanalal Dalpatram Kavi (click for stamp information)
Nanalal Dalpatram Kavi (click for stamp information)
Nanalal Dalpatram Kavi (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Nanalal Dalpatram Kavi (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
16 March 1978

Nanalal was born on March 16, 1877 as the fourth son of Kavishwar Dalpatram Dahyabhai, the illustrious and popular poet of the second half of the last century, who was a pioneer of modern Gujarati Poetry. After passing his M.A. Nanalal served as a Headmaster of the Princes' School at Sadra and later joined the Rajkumar College, Rajkot. He then became the Chief Justice of the Native State of Rajkot before becoming Education Officer for the  whole of Kathiawad under the British Political Agency in 1918.


He hailed Mathatma Gandhi on his 50th birthday as the Hermit of Gujarat in a memorable poem which he composed in 1919. When Mahatma Gandhi launched the Non-Cooperation Movement, Nanalal  Kavi  responded  to it  by  resigning  his Government post in 1921, where after he lived in Ahmedabad, wholly devoted to writing. He breathed his last on January 9, 1946 in adverse pecuniary  circumstances, but full  of  glory  and recognition  as a gifted poet of our time.


A romantic idealist in the tradition of the English romantic poets of the 19th century, Nanalal was a lyrical poet par excellence. He also wrote a good number  of plays and attempted narrative poetry on epic scale, besides other literary forms like novel, short story, biography, essay and criticism. His books number more than eighty. 'though h thoroughly imbibed tradition, he was a bold experimenter, true to his romantic spirit. The rhythmic prose that he employed in his lyrical plays as well as in reflective and narrative poetry was an innovation of his in the direction of vers libre. All his writing is characterised by a distinctive diction of his own, unsurpassed in sweetness and charm, and by a consistent strain of high moral purpose coming from his poetic creed, seeing the poet as a prophet. Quite a good many lyrics of Nanalal are gems of Gujarati poetry which have enriched Gujarati literature for all time.


Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department feels privileged to bring out a commemorative postage stamp in honour of this  great son of India.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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